How to Thrive in Washington DC On a Strict Budget

How to Thrive in Washington DC On a Strict Budget

Washington DC is one of the most interesting areas in the country. It is the nation’s capital and a hotspot for culture, a great place to build a career, and a great space to raise children. If you’re not from the area but are considering moving: the prices might scare you.

There are the best tips to move to Washington DC on a budget and make the most out of living in the nation’s capital.

Consider Getting a Roommate

The most expensive thing you’ll see in DC is the cost of living. Washington, DC, apartments for rent are generally expensive, and the only way to make that easier on yourself is to cut down on how much you’re paying every month.

Getting a roommate will give you the chance to save money on everything from rent to electricity, entertainment, and so much more. This means you can afford more, even if you have to deal with the idea of living with someone you don’t know yet.

Take Public Transit

Public transit is far cheaper than the cost of a car, car insurance, gasoline, and tolls. Beyond this, traffic in DC is some of the worst in the country, with more crashes per driver than the national average. Take public transit when you can and save yourself the trouble.

If you currently have a car, selling it might not be the best idea until you’ve fully established yourself in your job and your apartment, but it’s a good thing to consider if you think you’ll stay where you are for years.

Wait for the Low-Season to Move

Moving to Washington DC? Here's What Living Here is Like | North American

Although housing is pricey here: you can save money if you time your move for December, January, and February. Unlike many tourist areas, there’s no true off-season, but there is a low season where prices for everything from hotels to flights and housing are all cheaper due to the low temperatures.

Time your move for this period of time, but remember to pack for warmth! Temperatures at this time of the year can go as low as 20 degrees but generally hover between the thirties to forties. Pack warm, and you’ll be far happier when you land.

Remember to Continue to Job Hunt

Although you may have moved with a job that’s already locked in: continue to job hunt. Wages in D.C. are some of the best in the country, which gives you the freedom to be pickier about your jobs and still work within the field you want to.

Although you may assume your job pays well, remember to look around every six months to a year, and check to see how everyone else is paying. If you can, ask for a raise and make it clear why you deserve one: or leave to work for a company that will pay you what you’re worth.

Living in Washington D.C. Is Like Nothing Else

Although Washington D.C. is a massive area full of over 700,000 people: it’s also a great place to cut out an area for your own home. Consider following these tips, and make this area far more affordable for yourself.