How to Find the Best Wheelchair Accessible Cars

How to Find the Best Wheelchair Accessible Cars

Wheelchair accessible cars offer limitless mobility for people living with disabilities. It’s one of the best mobility assisted innovations because it gives people able differently the chance to perform their chores uninterrupted.

More so if you are recently disabled you have the chance to continue with life normally. Therefore, it’s critical that you find a car that will serve your mobility needs effectively. In this article, we discuss how to find a top-rated wheelchair-accessible car and the features it should have.

What is a Wheelchair Accessible Car?

A wheelchair accessible car is a vehicle that has been customized to allow wheelchair entry. The modifications are done by adding features that allow a disabled person to use the car conveniently. Some of the modifications you can expect are listed below:

  • Lowering the floor of the vehicle
  • Seating is modified to allow wheelchair access
  • Electricity powered ramp lift to allow access into the car
  • Additional suspension to cater for the lowered floor

When Should You Buy a Wheelchair Accessible Car?

Wheelchair accessible vehicles provide the ultimate comfort. However, not every disabled person will need to invest in one. Here are the reasons you should buy yourself or a loved one a wheelchair accessible car:


As you grow older you may find it difficult to get out of the car. A car with wheelchair access provides comfort and peace of mind as you know your family member is safe while using the car.

Recovering from Injury or Chronic Pain

If you are recovering from injuries or chronic pain, transferring from a wheelchair to a car may be painful. The wheelchair accessible vehicle reduces the burden and the pain as you move into the car.

Looking for Independence and Safety of Your Loved One

Wheelchair accessible vehicles give the disabled person maximum freedom. They do not have to wait for other people to drive them around. The ramp lift and ties ensure the safety of your loved one.

Tips to Follow When looking for a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle

Here are tips to follow when looking to buy a wheelchair accessible vehicle:

Decide On Your Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Needs

The first consideration you should make is your current and future needs. Decide on how many people will use it and whether the primary driver is the sole user of the vehicle. Also, make a choice whether you need a slide-out ramp or a fold-out ramp. Narrow down on the most important features for you or your loved one.

Features of the Car

Choose a car that has space for adjustment, especially in the driver space. For instance, the newer version of Volkswagen Golf has adjustable steering wheels and electronic ergonomic seats. That makes it possible to adjust your seating position until you are comfortable. It is therefore imperative that you assess your current and future needs.

Vehicle Options

It is important to invest in a car that you can convert and add features as you go along. For example, the VW Caravelle Vermont is fully convertible. You can add a hydraulic lift at the back of the van, and the seat part, and fold up for accessibility.