Gain Muscle Mass with Gainer Supplements

Gain Muscle Mass with Gainer Supplements

Do you wish to gain muscle mass without any side effects? Then the best thing to do is try some good quality gainer supplements along with your regular healthy diet.  Sometimes your food may not be enough to provide your body all the macro and micronutrients that can support gaining of mass and there comes the role of gainer supplements.

What are gainer supplements?

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Gainer supplements are made up of protein, carbohydrates, fibers, fats and more such nutrients. These supplements are also a great source of essential vitamins and minerals. The formulation of these gainer powders are made in such a way that each scoop can provide your body with the requisite amount of healthy calories that are necessary for gaining muscle mass.

Gainer supplements are of two types and based on the requirement of individuals, these powders are to be consumed:

  1. Mass gainer
  2. Weight gainer

If you are looking forward to gaining muscle mass and not put on a lot of weight, then you must consume mass gainer supplements.  A mass gainer supplement typically contains around 70% of carbohydrates, around 20 to 30 percent protein and 5 to 10 percent fat. These supplements can give your body a good amount of calories to sustain the whole day, which is usually more than 1000kcal.

To make a healthy shake you can add a few scoops (as mentioned by the brand) of labrada mass gainer or any other mass gainer powder with 200 ml of milk and give it a good mix to avoid lump formation. The best thing about these powders is that apart from providing high calories and essential nutrients, these supplements are also super tasty. You can get a variety of flavours that can help to satiate your taste buds.

Have a look at some of the benefits of using mass gainer supplements:

  • These products are a rich source of protein that supports muscle growth and lean muscle development.
  • The products are loaded with amino acid contents that can support rapid muscle recovery.
  • The carbohydrates present in the gainer supplements can help to increase your energy levels.
  • The nutrients can help to not only boost your stamina but also improve your immunity.
  • The calcium content can help to strengthen your bones.

Here are a few things that you must see while buying a gainer supplement:

  • The seal of the bottle should not be broken
  • The mass gainer must provide good amount of protein per scoop
  • Check the source of carbohydrate and fats
  • Read the customer reviews before using a product
  • It should not have the MRP sticked to the bottle. Instead, the MRP must be printed on the bottle or packed properly.
  • The bottle must contain a particular lot number which marks the authenticity of the supplement
  • Get the products from authentic stores like HealthKart, Amazon, etc. This will help you get the right product by investing the right amount of money.

Precautions: If you feel dizziness or any other problem after consuming the products, then we would suggest you to stop having the supplements immediately. You might be intolerant to some of the ingredients and that might cause harm to your body.  Also, do not consume more than the mentioned dosage of the mass gainer supplements that is not recommended.