Guidelines in Research Paper Writing

Writing research papers is not an easy endeavor. In reality, it is far from easy. It involves analysis, research, and reading of information. In a sense, it is similar to playing a match. An individual must think analytically and practically, in order to come up with a solid research paper.

Considering that a research paper is written to current findings based on factual data accumulated, proper presentation of information is an integral factor. In order to do so, the researcher must be able to present and examine information in such a way it is not hard to read, understood, and known. It’s also important to have the ability to describe findings clearly and readily so that readers can apply the findings accordingly.

As research papers are composed to present findings, they should follow an accepted research methodology. When in doubt as to what methodology ought to be used, ask for clarification from review of the publisher or the author. It is important to adhere to the guidelines advocated by journals like Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Usually, research papers must contain information on the range of folks that were comprised, sample population, sample demographic, and research interval. The research paper becomes a research report which can be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal for publication.

Another frequent principle in research papers is that they need to have a clear summary of the research issue or subject. The summary has to be limited to 2 pages. The length of the research paper has to be limited to a maximum of four hundred fifty words. The purpose of a research paper is to inform and serve the viewers. If a research paper is over two pages, it is considered overly lengthy and may not be approved by peer-reviewed journals.

Another principle in research paper writing is that it must present original research results. This means that the paper shouldn’t plagiarize other study papers or resources. The research paper must contain significant gifts to the reader. The research paper should not make outrageous claims nor offer too much information to the readers.

Although study papers are expected to contribute to the improvement of society, these papers are not right for everyone. Various kinds of readers are drawn to various types of research papers. The extent of a writer’s knowledge in the particular research subject is also a element that influences the approval of a research paper in the scientific area.